How Can I Create Email Campaigns?

Note: Design/UI/Button/Terms might change in order to provide a better user experience. Users are suggested to read this article in order to have a basic understanding of the ORGTraq Software.

Step 1: From the left side menu bar select the “CRM” module and click on “Bulk Mailing” from the menu dropdown. (CRM > Bulk Mailing)

Step 2: You will be redirected to the “Manage Campaigns” or “My Campaigns” page accordingly.

Step 3: Click on the “Create Campaign” button from the top right corner.

Step 4: Fill in the campaign name and select the email template and mailing list.

Campaigns are of two types (one-time, and recurring). If you want the campaign to run only for one time then click on one time and select the date and time you want the campaign to run one-time.

Recurring campaigns let you run the campaign on a recurring basis according to the time schedule you select (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Years)

You cannot create mail campaigns if you have not verified your sender domain.

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