How to Convert A Lead to An Opportunity?

Step 1: From the left side menu bar select the “CRM” module and click on “Leads” from the menu dropdown. (CRM > Leads)

Step 2: You will be redirected to the leads dashboard. From the top menu bar click on “Manage Leads” or “My Leads” accordingly.

Step 3: Click on the lead ID of the lead you want to convert into an opportunity.

Step 4: On the top middle you will see a checkbox with the text “convert to opportunity”. Click on the checkbox to convert the lead into an opportunity and update.

Bulk Update:

Step 1: From the left side menu bar select the “CRM” module and click on “Leads” from the menu dropdown. (CRM > Leads)

Step 2: You will be redirected to the leads dashboard. From the top menu bar click on “Manage Leads” or “My Leads” accordingly.

Step 3: Click on the “Bulk Update” button from the top.

Step 4: Select the leads you want to update in bulk and click on the “bulk update” button.

Step 5: You will get a pop-up in which click on the drop-down “status” select “opportunity” from the drop-down and click on “update”.

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